Lunch In The Garden? (An Outdoor Dining Furniture Buyer’s Guide.)
Eating dinner inside is perfectly fine. It’s climate-controlled, the dishwasher is right there, and you’re close to the fridge if someone forgets to put the Sriracha on the table again. But, and no offense to the indoor modern dining rooms of the world, they just don’t measure up to that alfresco meal experience. The sun on your skin as you sip a mimosa, a gentle breeze rustling your arugula salad, the way tossing your scraps into the compost from your seat feels like a draining a game-winning three-pointer — all beautiful things.
So when the weather’s cooperating (and even occasionally when it’s not), what better place is there to dine than your outdoor space? To make the most of it you’ll need the key essentials: a modern outdoor dining table that’ll fit you, yours, and your style; the dining chairs to match or complement in their own unique way; and the decor items that help bring your outdoor dining room to life. If the prospect of picking those out yourself is a bit daunting, you’re reading the right blog post. We’ve chosen a few of our favorite items that we think will help to make your space sing.
Do you hear that? Sounds like a sigh of relief and… rustling arugula?

Unless you’re in the backyard eating an apple or an ice cream cone or a loose handful of chips, your outdoor dining space is going to need a table. It’s the centerpiece: it plays host to the people scooping creamed corn from their plates. There are a few things to consider when choosing a table, and it’s best to start with the practical: its size. Is the Lagora for 6 going to fit on your patio? Will it seat all of your family? We don’t want little Timothée to have to sit by himself on the lawn.

Once you have that sorted, you can focus on style. If you’re looking for a classic dining space feel, the sleek Scandi styling of the teak Brolla Dining Table ticks that box beautifully. The airy elegance of the Calliope, with its acacia-wood top and wicker base, is perfect for a more laid-back look. Centerpiece: set.

Once you’ve got a table, great. This is an integral start but your outfit isn’t complete. You’ve got a gorgeous top but your bottom half is bare — you can’t go outside like that. The next pieces you’ll need are the right outdoor modern dining chairs.
The same considerations for tables apply to dining chairs. Start by making sure they work practically: how many will you need, will they fit around the table. For everyone to sit comfortably, there will need to be about 24” of space between each seat for diners to avoid smacking elbows and have enough room to scoot out to if they need. Once those details are nailed down, it’s styling time.
Do you like keeping the aesthetic strictly consistent? The Lagora Dining Chairs are the perfect match for the Lagora Dining Table. Are you a fan of a more minimal look? The Svelti Grano Dining Chair is comfy and easy to store, a definite plus when considering outdoor seating. The Caya fits that description too, bringing its own refined Industrial-style edge to the table (literally).

Looking for alternatives to the dining-chair orthodoxy? Consider the Otessa Bench. With a striking woven seat and space for a few, a pair of benches is a great way to reach your outdoor dining space’s maximum seating potential and look good while doing it. Once it gets to be weenie roasting time, a bench makes as a solid perch for around the fire pit, too.

If we want to pull even further on the already strained “outfit” analogy, think of decor as your dining space’s accessories. The floppy-brimmed hats and jewelry that push a look from good into glamorous, while still providing some necessary practical purpose.
From sunny days to drizzling skies, the chic Paras Umbrella will keep you comfortable from the elements while you dress up your tacos to the nines. Not familiar with outdoor rugs? Not only can they soften the touch of a concrete patio, they can protect your deck from any scratches an aggro chair pull-out might cause. The Arroyo Rug can attest.

An extra seat? A place to plop a potted plant? A beautiful woven wicker piece that is just a treat to look at? That’s the Sankofa Stool. Fashion and function, the hallmarks of a great outfit.
Once you have yours complete, it’ll elevate your outdoor dining experience. All you’ll need to worry about now is what to make for dinner.