No smoking inside? Being smoking hot is allowed, actually. The Cigar collection marries elegance and cheekiness.
Cigar Birch Ivory King Storage Bed
The Cigar storage bed has a sneaky concealed drawer at its base for stashing your undies, or collection of vintage hankies. Soft bolstered edges and seam details imbue this piece with elegance and playfulness. Ideal bedroom companion.
Find the perfect shade for your space.
Rawhide Tan
Ankara Ivory
Briar Ivory
Rawhide Brown
Good looks in your living room.
"I have had this couch for a year. It's getting better by the day. I get compliments and inquiries because it is so damn soft. [...] I just bought the Ottoman too! Gonna look great."
Pamela F.
Chattanooga, TN
"I have had this bed for almost a month and I love the quality and design with the extra large storage drawer where I can keep all of my extra sheets, blankets, and towels living in a small apartment. I can tell I will keep this bed for a very long time and love it."
Julie E.
Hernando, FL
"Absolutely gorgeous loveseat. The leather is wonderfully supple and the craftsmanship is excellent. We couldn't be happier with our purchase. Thank you."
Travis T.
Denver, CO
Nothing like a Cigar in bed.